The benefits of precision laser therapy in chiropractic and osteopathy treatment

By Jason Patel

Laser therapy, ‘cold laser’ therapy or low level laser therapy (LLLT) is a safe, pain-free, non-invasive technology that has been proven to be successful in treating both acute injuries and chronic spine and joint pain. As such, it works particularly well alongside the spine and joint manipulation of chiropractors and osteopaths and is a technology used by practitioners at Freedom Clinics.

The treatment involves the application of red and near infra-red light to the area of the body that is injured or in pain. The body’s cells absorb the energy and are stimulated into repairing tissue, reducing inflammation and reducing pain. In effect, laser therapy accelerates the body’s own natural healing process. Healed tissue which has been treated with laser therapy has also been shown to have improved quality and strength, thus minimising adhesions and scarring. Even pre-existing scar tissue has shown improvement after laser treatment.

Clinical effects of laser therapy

  • Reduction of swelling and inflammation
  • Stimulation of cells to increase the speed, strength and quality of soft tissue repair
  • Effective drug-free pain relief

Unlike many surgical lasers, the low intensity lasers used in low level laser therapy have no heating effect and are insufficient in strength to damage the cells – they are perfectly safe, non-invasive, quick and pain-free. Unlike other treatments, laser therapy can also be used over plates or pins, immediately after injury or by patients with pacemakers.

Laser therapy can treat:

  • Back, neck and joint pain
  • Muscle tears and strains
  • Nerve pain (neuralgia)
  • Osteoarthritis
  • Rheumatoid arthritis
  • Tennis and Golfer’s Elbow
  • Tendonitis
  • Ligament injuries
  • Swollen tissue (oedema)
  • Sports injuries
  • Carpel Tunnel syndrome

Accurate diagnosis by a chiropractor or osteopath is important to ensure that laser therapy achieves the most effective results. A detailed patient assessment will determine the wavelength, energy density, pulsing rates and frequency of treatment required to help your injury or condition heal faster, reduce your pain and get you back to normal life quicker.

If you would like to find out more about the therapeutic benefits of laser therapy and how laser therapy treatment at Freedom Clinics can help you, just ask to speak to one of our fully-qualified and registered chiropractors or osteopaths.

Jason Patel is a qualified Osteopath at the Canary Wharf Clinic.