Family back care – The importance of back care for children & young people

Freedom Clinics Chiropractor Alan Binns talks about the importance of back care from birth, through the early developmental & teenage years, and the benefits regular treatment can have in later life.


When was the first injury you had? When did you first notice that you had a problem with your back or your neck and shoulders started getting tight with the desk job you have? Recently or have you had it a while now?

We see patients here at Freedom clinics with all sorts of problems, ranging from sports’ injuries to slipped disks and osteoarthritis. In the process of being of doing a thorough assessment of all our patients we ask the question:’ when did the pain start?’ The answer usually includes a day or a date and tells us what we need to know – i.e.  when YOU noticed the problem.

In nine out of ten cases though, the problem had its roots further into the past; sometimes as far back as the day you were born. If you have witnessed childbirth, you will know that we are literally pulled kicking and screaming into this world. This is traumatic enough for the mother, but even more so for the baby. Difficulty feeding, trapped wind, plagiocephaly (flat headed babies) are all conditions that can be resolved easily by gently removing the tension and restriction from the spine.

As young children develop, so do their bodies and minds. What’s the expression: ‘Healthy body, healthy mind’.

Remember, our brains are safely tucked away in our skulls and rely on our bodies, our diet and especially our nervous system to grow and thrive. It would stand to reason that any impediment to that would influence the ability of a child to flourish. In a 2009 paper from the Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics 157 children with developmental problems ranging from ADHD to dyspraxia and dyslexia to learning difficulties were treated with a range of chiropractic therapies and all showed improvements in the 8 psychometric tests and 20 areas of cognitive function. Whilst we don’t abdicate curing children of these conditions, it certainly allows them the best chance to be the best that they can be without having to resort to medication or exclusion from school.

So we get older, and our bodies really start to grow. They used to call them growing pains, clicky knees, painful and swollen shins, sprains, strains, broken legs. Whilst the body heals it doesn’t forget and quite often they follow us into adulthood. Let’s take one example, leg length difference. This is surprisingly common in the population and occurs during this phase of increased growth. Is it something to worry about? You could take the view that your body will adapt to it but a 2002 paper analysing gait and posture examines the statistics.

From as little as 6 mm difference can affect the curvature of the spine

9mm can be contribute to spinal joint irritation and arthritic changes

10mm can generate a postural sway (a limp to you and I)

15mm can add to pelvic twisting

20mm forces the gait out of line and requires more energy to move.

It’s when you body is growing and adapting that there needs to be someone looking out for this kind of stuff, not when the pain starts and the problem has established itself.

Which brings us back to the original question: ‘when did the problem start?’

Here at Freedom Clinics we work hard to help people manage their problems but we know that we could do a much more effective job by seeing more families. By identifying problems and creating solutions early, the whole family can take advantage of what we have to offer, which is better health, more healthy years and a better chance in life.

We also do a family back care pack so all the members of your family can enjoy the benefits of treatment at a discounted rate. For more information, call 0844 327 4000.