Three Reasons To Join Us This Sunday 12 June 2016

FREEDOM Clinics is dedicated to ensuring the health and wellbeing of all our patients and this weekend a fair few of then will be heading to Leeds City Centre to see the final stages of the International Triathlon Union Triathlon race.

Leeds BID and Leeds City Council have jointly won the right to host the event that will showcase three disciplines in sport.

Swimming, cycling and running all take their toll on the body and demand participants are at the top of their game across three very demanding sports.

Swimming requires a strong back that can support the swimmer as they use the whole body to propel themselves forward while supported by the water. It seems counter intuitive because man swimmers say how they feel better after a swim. But to be able to swim comfortably you need to make sure both your back and the supporting core muscles are strong, which is where a regular check up with one our osteopaths can help.

Cycling switches the focus from the back to the legs demanding the muscles and bones are able to power the whole body. Yet both the back and the arms must be free from injury to support the efforts of the legs.

Finally the 10k run is the most demanding of the three disciplines coming as it does in triathlon at the end of a gruelling 1500 metre swim, 42k cycle and taking it toll on the joints and muscles across the whole body.

Runners often come to us when their legs hurt but good back condition is vital to being able to train and perform, which is where regular treatment an check ups from our team of practitioners can help.
Professional athletes have teams of therapists on hand yet amateurs can take advantage of expert advice closer to home. On Sunday June 12th Freedom Clinics will host an open day to showcase our services with free massages, yoga demonstrations and advice clinics for patients old and new. Join us from 10.00 and enjoy a glass of wine while getting a good view of the action.

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